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Interview with Dr. Louis C. Towne

                          Orthopedic Surgeon, Sports Medicine Expert,
                           Torah Scholar/Cantor, 32nd Degree Mason

                      Timeline Guide to Program Highlights

                                       PART I

1:36 Dr. Towne discusses his background in becoming a team doctor for the UCLA Bruins
and working at San Diego State University. Working with varsity team sports members.

4:34 Types of common injuries in varsity sports.

5:11 Harsh treatment of professional athletes in today’s sports environment. Providing medical services for NFL star players with the New England Patriots and the Miami Dolphins.

Additional Links:
Sports medicine 
Don Coryell  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Coryell
Coach Prothro  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Prothro

Mike Ballou  http://www.patriots.com/alumni/index.cfm?ac=alumnibiosdetail&bio=3677 ballou

Mercury Morris  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_Morris

9:14 Motivation for getting involved in medicine. Experience at Cedars of Lebanon in Los Angeles. Working on early experiments with dialysis machine

Additional Links:
dialysis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialysis

13:44 Basic core principles of Jewish teachings and Jewish religious ideas. The relationship of atheism to Jewish thought. The performance of good works as a pathway.

14:44 The common beliefs of all religions. The notion of the greatness of creation and the place of the individual in the greater scheme.

16:10 The idea of the uniqueness of Judaism as not having intermediaries between man and the Creator

Additional Links:
Discussion  http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/judaism/beliefs/beliefs_1.shtml

17:13 Discussing Darwin and the relationship to scientific ideas as opposed to religious/spiritual ideas. The issue of creation by random process.

Additional Links:
Debate  http://www.opposingviews.com/counters/god-does-not-play-dice-with-the-universe

18:19 Understanding the metaphysical side of the God as a difficult concept. A story on the ability to understand this concept as similar to receiving radio signals. Respecting each person for the limitations of this ability.

20:39 Discussing the ideas of the Biblical prophet Micah – justice, mercy and humility as a personal life path and a basis for his Jewish-based culture.

Additional Links:
Micah  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micah_(prophet)
Micah  http://www.myjewishlearning.com/texts/Bible/Prophets/Latter_Prophets/The_12_Minor_Prophets/Micah.shtml

20:39 Discussing the important historical concepts of Maimonades relating to Jewish philosophy. Mishneh Torah and Guide for the Perplexed Some historical background to the cultural life of medieval Egypt where Maimonades practiced medicine.

21:35 Comparisons of Maimonades to Einstein in terms of insights into the relationship of time and space, matter and energy.

Additional Links:
Maimonades   http://www.amazon.com/Maimonides-Reader-Library-Jewish-Studies/dp/0874412064/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1300338019&sr=1-3
Einstein  http://www.amazon.com/Einstein-Life-Universe-Walter-Isaacson/dp/0743264738

26:11 Discussing the culture of India as monotheistic. The story of Abraham as a destroyer of idols as described in traditional Jewish literature.

27:35 Relating to Noah as the common root of the world’s people as one family.

Additional Links:

28:15 The obligation in the lifestyles of Jewish of parenting to teach children three things a) right from wrong, b) a profession or trade and c) to teach children to swim with an explanation of the reason for this obligation.

29:23 Discussing the passages in the Torah relating to Moses and the errors of translation of certain key words for the terms for the Creator – notably "I will be what I will be", as a suggestion to greater understanding of the nature of "G-d".

Additional Links:
New Views on Time and Space -

Wholeness and the Implicate Order, David Bohm  http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=wholeness+and+the+implicate+order&x=8&y=11#

Time Loops and Space Twists: How God Created the Universe, Fred Allen Wolf

32:22 Some observations regarding the various words used in Torah for "G-d".

Additional Links:
Names of G-d  http://www.chabadtalk.com/forum/showthread.php3?t=11173 

                                    PART II

                Timeline Guide to Program Highlights

0:18 Notes on his travels. Meeting the chief Rabbi of Israel. Visiting the site of the death camps in Europe and meeting survivors, The place of the Holocaust in Jewish History

Additional Links:
Majdonek   http://www.deathcamps.org/lublin/majdanek.html

3:40 Dr. Towne's thoughts on Israel. Its place as a leader in science and medicine. Its modern reality for the ancestral origins of stories described in the Torah

6:06 He describes his encounters with important doctors who trained him. His early experience in the operating rooms.

9:43 His experience running the operating rooms at the US airforce base in Newfoundland after being drafted.

11:47 Being transferred to Rite Patterson Airforce base in Ohio and being introduced to Shriner’s Hospital for Crippled Children.

13:22 An experience in Ohio treating a farm animal and comments on his experience in medical research.

16:12 Advice on choosing a good physician.

16:43 Discussion about being a Freemason. Requirements and educational topics. Some comments on the history of the group and the connection of the founding Fathers. The history of the Jewish financier, Chaim Solomon and recognition on the US one dollar bill.

Additional Links:
U.S. Dollar Bill 

19:48 Remembering the Jewish community lifestyle and culture of post-war Los Angeles. The close relationship of members of the Jewish community who contributed to his education. Influential teachers at the Yeshiva.

22:48 Being part of a Junior congregation and some well known rabbis who came from this school.

24:03 His memories of his ancestral lineage going back to Europe. Closeness with his step-grandfather and early experience in synagogue. Development of the Jewish Community of Los Angeles. Bringing United Synagogue Youth to Los Angeles. Becoming Music Director of Brandeis Bardin Camp Institute. Then serving as the camp doctor.

26:05 On becoming a Cantor after being refused by the Cantor’s assembly. Being part of the Jewish cultural and religious life of Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego.

28:40 Praying at the Altman Synagogue of Warsaw with Rabbi Sholomo Goren of Israel. And an unexpected encounter with Chabad Rabbi Cunin at the Great Synagogue of Moscow

Additional Links:
Rabbi Goren  http://www.ou.org/about/judaism/rabbis/goren.htm
"Rebbe" M. M. Shneerson  http://en.wikipedia.orgwikiMenachem_Mendel_Schneerson

30:22 Some comments of the responsibilities of a Cantor in Jewish life and culture, His early experience singing with the Bob Mitchell Boy’s Choir, his ability with language and a song from India.

32:19 The meaning of the word "wisdom" as interpreted from the Book of Ecclesiastes. What he learned from this book in living his life path.

34:49 How his experience as a student of Judaism affected his work as a doctor Some concluding thoughts on the effect of a "thank you".

Music references:

Segues - Zina Schiff (Protege of Jascha Heifetz. Violin Soloist in MGM's "The Fixer")

CD King Davids Lyre  http://www.amazon.com/King-Davids-Lyre-Zina-Schiff/dp/B000009M1N/ref=sr_1_2?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1300566900&sr=1-2

CD Golden Dove  http://www.amazon.com/Golden-Dove-Masterpieces-Jewish-Society/dp/B00009WB2N/ref=sr_1_6?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1300566900&sr=1-6

CD Elijahs Violin  http://www.amazon.com/Elijahs-Violin-Sonatas-Schiff-4-Tay/dp/B000TB1ANQ/ref=sr_1_25?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1300567119&sr=1-25

Opening theme: Jerry Schubert

CD Return to Eden  http://www.amazon.com/Gerry-Schubert-Return-Eden-Universal/dp/B0002SOOUC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1300566724&sr=1-1

Questions?  contact Stanley Tiger: email UniverseJcom@gmail.com

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                                                  THE PARADOX OF BEING JEWISH

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Among the Jewish people there exists a wide range of religious and philosophical diversity. The common thread is the recognition of the Torah - the Hebrew texts described as the first five books of the "Old Testament". Another common thread is that being Jewish comes with a great paradox.

Jews are the most persecuted, vilified, and slandered group in the history of the world. Yet, Jews have had a remarkable impact as a civilizing force in world history - as great scholars and pivotal thinkers, important scientists and renowned healers, abhorrers of violence, practitioners of philanthropy, advocates for justice and other positive influences.

It is estimated that two tenths of 1% of the world’s population is Jewish. It is also estimated that 25% of Nobel prizes have been won by Jews.

In light of this, there is another paradox surrounding the paradox …most of the world has never met a Jew.

Jewish Universe Media and UniverseJ.com will use the power of electronic communications to create a universally accessible library that will stand as a factual document to address the paradoxes.

We are in the process of raising funds to make this work possible.

To become a founder contact Stanley Tiger: email UniverseJcom@gmail.com

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